Like all Volti Audio speakers, the new Lucera offers high sensitivity, wide bandwidth, superb build quality and captivating sound. It’s a dynamic sound! As you would expect from an authentic, high-sensitivity horn-loaded speaker.
Feed them a few watts of power and expect:

- Effortless power delivery
- Wide dynamic range
- Finely resolved articulate mid-range
- Immersive, room-filling sound
- Pinpoint imaging and wide soundstage
- Sings-with-one-voice driver integration
- Full-range bandwidth
- Tight, deep bass
- Accurate tone and timbre
All Volti Audio speakers are hand-built here in our shop in Baxter, TN.
The Lucera is cleverly slotted between our smaller, lower-priced Razz loudspeaker and
the larger, higher-priced Rival in our lineup. Volti Audio customers who are looking for a
bit more fun than the Razz, but not quite ready to jump all the way up to the Rival will find
the Lucera to be “just right”
Details and Specifications

Placement Flexibility
The Lucera is room-friendly and can be positioned against a wall, in a corner, or pulled out into the room. It is front-ported which allows the greatest flexibility in placement since the port does not rely on, nor is affected by, walls behind or beside the speaker. The sensitivity and ease of drive make the Lucera capable of filling a very large room whereas the superb integration ensures it will also work in an intimate, near-field setting.
The Lucera will be officially unveiled at Capital Audiofest 2024 in room
Complete information, including many photos, can be found on the Volti Audio website