Capital Audiofest is my favorite show of the year, Gary and the volunteers do an incredible job of creating a fun and inviting environment. It was a great time to meet up with old friends and make some new ones as well. The people are who make the show so great, and this year we will also be publishing an article all about the people of Hifi. As for the gear, this year brought with it quite a few new products and American debuts. Without further ado, let’s get into the awesome gear we got to experience this year at Capital Audiofest.
Best Sound
As in previous years, we do a top 5 rooms for best sound and they are in no particular order. What makes each of these rooms special is how they each handle sound, and while all a bit different the thing they have in common is world-class sound quality regardless of pricepoint.
VPI, Stenheim, Gryphon, Nordost
Mat, Harry, and the rest of the team at VPI put on two of their own rooms as well as supply turntables for many others. They had a more budget-friendly room as well as an all-out flex. They brought with them, not one, not two, but three Avenger Direct Statements on Vanquish stands. Each table featured a different cartridge, one Shyla, one Goldy, and the center table with the gold anniversary Audio-Technica AT-MC2022. Each table was connected to the new Avenger Phono stage. The electronics used were the Gryphon Essence Preamp and Essence Mono-blocks. Those massive amps were powering a pair of Stenheim Ultime Two speakers. Connecting all the gear was a loom of Nordost Odin cables. We listened to all sorts of music from classical to jazz, to anime theme music and the system sounded incredible regardless of the genre. The bass was clean and satisfying and the lushish midrange was surreal. The clarity of the music was unlike any record I had heard, quality recordings took full advantage of the system.

Audio Group Denmark
Audio Group Denmark is one of a few companies that put on an entire system by themselves. AGD makes speakers, cables, and electronics and they brought some of their best and newest to CAF this year. They had a few systems setup but the best sound came from the brand new Børresen T5 speakers connected to the also new U-588 Unity Amplifier. Below the amp was a D3 Ethernet switch and D3 Mains distribution. Larz played a variety of music, showcasing the system’s accuracy, imaging, and detail. The soundstage was massive and holographic due to the pinpoint imaging. The U-588 packed plenty of power to play loud without audible distortion as well as having great low-end extension and control.

High End By OZ, House of Stereo
Oz (Highend by Oz) and Joe (House of Stereo) put together incredible rooms year after year while also bringing different gear each year. They both are experts at system synergy so regardless of what they bring with them, it plays incredibly well. This year is no different, Oz and Joe brought their A-Game, and with that came a pair of Stenheim Alumine Fives from House of Stereo, powered by a Viva Linea Preamplifier, Solista amplifier as well as the Viva Numerico DAC, and Wolf Audio Server, also from Joe at House of Stereo. Everything was connected via Albedo Silver cables and S.I.N. Audio power distribution. I heard one of my favorites, the 1812 Overture, but during after-hours, Oz was pumping out the jams, We listened to Rage Against the Machine’s “Killing In The Name”. The sound was huge and lifelike with that chest-pounding bass. The whole room was full of energy, moving with the music. You would think we were at a live performance.

Synergistic Research, JMF, Von Schweikert
Ted put together a world-class system while also debuting some new stuff. The big release in the room is the new cost-no-object SRX Powercell. This is the ultimate in power management and distribution making sure every piece of gear is fed the best possible electricity. Also showcased were several SR pieces such as their grounding solutions, tuning dots, new Voodoo Server, and full look of SRX Cables. The JMF electronics provided clean detailed power to the Von Schweikert VR Thirty speakers. Ted did quite a few listening AB tests showcasing the sound difference with or without active grounding, the Vibratron, as well as the tuning dots on the speakers. Each item had an impact on the sound quality of the room, which can be best described as well-rounded, impactful, and detailed. We listened to primarily electronic music that highlighted the system’s dynamic range and speed.

Vinnie Rossi, Stenheim, Alma Audio
Alma Audio teamed up with Stenhiem and Vinnie Rossi to create another incredible room. The speakers in this room are also the Alumine Fives, this time powered by Vinnie Rossi’s new Brama Two Pre and Power amps. The source was an Innous Zen Streamer that fed an MSB Cascade DAC. Kabula Sosna cables were used to connect all the gear. We listened to some selections of music by Vinnie Rossi, Jean-Pascal Panchard, Walter Schofield, and Alma Audio’s Alex Siufy. Everything we heard was ethereal, with beautiful transients, detail, scale, and imaging. Aiding in the acoustics were the panels placed around the room, made by ByNemisis. The room had wonderful acoustics which bolstered the sound from the speakers and let them shine with minimal if any room interference. The Stenheims proved to be a versatile speaker as it sounded wonderful with the Vinnie Rossie gear, the Gryphon, and the Viva gear. It’s hard to say which combination sounded the best as there are loads of variables but I can say I liked all of the setups and the variety they provided. The Brama 2 pieces are impressive in both sound quality, but also design language and how that design is completely functional.

Best New Products
Capital Audiofest was the platform for a handful of brand-new products as well as U.S. Debutes. Below are some of our favorites.
Java Hifi
Java Hifi has made its U.S. debut at Capital, their distributor is Playback Distribution and they had a handful of different units at the show including their Integrated amps as well as pre and power amps. Each one was played with different speakers and sources which helped show the versatility of the the products. We actually brought a Single-Shot integrated amplifier back with me for a full review.

This year was also the World Premiere of the new Magnepan Incorporated MCR, this is a 40″ true ribbon speaker with the flagship tweeter found in their top speakers. Speaking of the tweeter, it has no mylar so it has even less mass and better speed. The MCR is smaller than the LRS+ but don’t let the size fool you, these are impressive speakers that are ready to be wall-mounted.

Geshelli Labs
Geshelli Labs showed two new products this year, The Z Block monoblock amplifier and the Giuseppe Pramp. They also used their awesome Dayzee DAC. The sound paired with the Acoustic Energy speakers was detailed and powerful. Pricing isn’t set yet but keep your eye out for these to be available early to mid 2025.

Focal released their Diva Utopia speakers, shown here in the House of Stereo Focal and T+A room, these $39,000 all-in-one speakers have the sound quality to bear the Utopia name. They have everything you need built-in, including a network streamer and there are plans in the future to have customizable side panels so you can make them match whatever space they are in.

Wells Audio
Jeff released a new version of the Majestic II, the Level III. This is a cost-no-object approach to the already great Majestic II. This means only top-of-the-line components regardless of cost or difficulty to get. Paired with the YG Summits the sound was excellent.

Cinnamon Audio
Cinnamon Audio is a relatively new company based in Portugal. They make both speakers and electronics but take a different approach from many others when it comes to their casework. Their electronics are sand-cast bronze and aluminum which makes for a rustic almost brutalist appearance. Not only do they look great but the system Gestalt Audio put together sounded incredible with the Cinnamon open bafle speakers.